The structure of the Faith



Scripture: Rom 2:1~8

Title: The structure of the Faith

Preacher: Rev. Daniel Bang

To all my brothers and sisters!

We pray that God will give us grace every day in difficult times.

We are not dealing with the gift of faith that God has given us. According to the Bible, we must show our faith in action.

That is the will of God. Today, I would like to share the grace of the three process of practice.

The first,my desire must die to live.

In Romans 6:8 of the text, it says, “If we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.”

Also 2 Timothy 2:11 says, “Faithful saying, if we died with the Lord, we also live with him.”

That’s right. The first rule that believers must remember and follow in order to take possession of the kingdom of God and its glory is a really mysterious rules that ‘If we die, we will live’. This is also the law that determines the fundamental qualifications that enable us to participate in the race to the kingdom of God as saints. It is the law that only those who participate in Christ’s death on the cross and die to sin and the world will participate in Christ’s resurrection and live again as people of the kingdom of God with eternal life and glory.

Just as the Lord was nailed to the cross for all our sins, we too must crucify the old sinful nature by surrendering all our sins to the Lord and repenting. 

Galatians 5:24 says, “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” At that time, people of Christ Jesus who received the blood of His precious blood under the cross of the Lord will become righteous new people and stand in the line of salvation with eternal life guaranteed, the holy racers toward the kingdom of heaven.

The second,it is the rule that it will be done according to my beliefs.

Confidence is important to those who compete. This is because not only can you play with confidence, but you can also persevere and do your best.

However, there is one law that is very good to give such confidence to the believers who are racing for the kingdom of God, and that is the rule that ‘it will be done according to your faith’.

When we are convinced that true salvation and eternal life are given to those who believe in Christ as their Savior, the race of holy life as a saint can begin. 

And by being convinced that eternal blessings and glory will be given to those who do not lose faith until the end according to their faith, the saints will be able to continue the holy race to the end and eventually win.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, we must always remember this ‘it shall come to pass according to our faith’, so that we have strong faith in the Lord who allows the most righteous, wise, and life-giving way, and the most powerful strength is the Lord’s Word and the help of the Holy Spirit. You will have to keep your faith until the end.

Matthew 16:27 says, “The Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and at that time he will repay each one according to what he has done.” Also, Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not deceive you, for God is not deceived; whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

 In a way, it can be said that this is the decisive secret that the saints can win the crown of victory in that holy race.

That is, those who have finished the race by persevering in doing well and glorifying the Lord will receive glory, honor, and peace just as they have done and sowed in this life.

But on the contrary, for those who have betrayed the Lord by doing evil and failing to keep the faith, there will be only tribulation, shame, and destruction according to their deeds and sowing.

This is indeed a fair and righteous law.

Therefore, all believers should always be mindful of what kind of fruit their actions will bear in the future, and lead their lives right.

All the saints who are running towards heaven right now!

Are you following God’s laws in walking that path? Did you know that if you ignore the rules and go your own way, you will soon fall into a swamp of disappointment and failure?

Indeed, the laws of ‘If you die, you will live’, ‘According to your faith,’ and ‘you will reap what you sow’ are the rules that you should always remember and follow until the day when your holy race is over and before the Lord.

It is the promise of God who is so faithful and the law of the eternal kingdom of God. It never changes or perishes. 

You will see that on the day the Lord comes again, these laws are immutable and absolute.

The Lord wants to bless the saints through these three laws.

And he wants to reach out to the saints.


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