Founder's Desk

Message from the Founder's Desk

For God’s Everlasting Glory!

Somebody came to me when I was like you and asked me,
Why do you believe in Jesus though you are the poorest man?
I said ‘for His glory’ I believe in Him.

I have established Sharon Pastoral Seminary in 2006.

If you ask me, you are the poorest man, why did you establish Sharon Pastoral Seminary? My reply to you would be this, ‘For His Everlasting Glory’.

Dear brothers and sisters
We are living in the postmodern era in 2021. This postmodern era is dangerous for the young and the born again Christians.

This postmodern philosophy will break families, couples, relatives, friends and Nations. Everything is changed. But the Word of God will never be changed. This is the standard for the world, the light of the world and the breath of the world.

We are sharing an unchangeable Word of God and the Holy Word of God in this small Sanctuary. Come and share this sweet and bitter Word of Everlasting God.

I believe,
You will be changed
You can change
You have to change

– Samuel J Y

Founder Sharon Pastoral Seminary