Knowing and believing should be the same

Scripture: 2Timothy 3: 1 – 7

Title: “Knowing and believing should be the same”

Preacher: Rev, Daniel Bang

Hello brothers and sisters. How are you?

Many people fail to speak when asked to tell them what they know.

When you ask believers to tell you about your faith, they hesitate and cannot speak.

If you don’t know exactly what you know, you can’t tell.

I can’t speak clearly because I don’t have the exact conviction of my beliefs.

How much do you really know Jesus?

He is the Son of God, who died on the cross, rose again, ascended into heaven, and will come again, and sent the Holy Spirit…

Even those who do not believe in Jesus know this.

The Jesus I know how he met with me, and what kind of relationship he is maintaining with me day to day, is something he can only say if he knows how to express it.

Also, these saints are believers.

The saints who live by putting themselves out there are people who do not know or believe in Jesus.

In the end, such people use Jesus because they love them, and they choose God as their religious life.

Religion that people of the world think is to depend on an object called the god of that religion when they want to live their own life and depend on it, or when they seek the help of the Absolute to realize their plans.

We call this idolatry.

Among those who believe in God, most of them are idolaters. Such people are never very interested in God’s teachings.

In order to achieve one’s own purpose, the object of prayer is only to become God, but in the end, he loves himself.

He chose God to achieve his purpose.

India has been a polytheistic country for thousands of years.

It is a country with thousands and tens of thousands of gods.

It is a country where the culture is that any god can receive blessings from that god.

Any god just needs to bless me.

It seems very naive, but there is a sin full of very terrifying idols.

He is bound to many gods.

Such gods are called demons in the Bible.

It’s called the devil.

The devil or Satan are demons that keep people away from God.

Everywhere in the shrine, priests perform shamanic acts and hold ancestral rites.

People are obedient to what these people say because of fear.

All the stories these priests tell are groundless nonsense, and all the words that make people wrong.

The end of those who listen to these stories and like to hear them often is truly tragic.

Do you know why God chooses our Sharon Seminary students and trains them to become pastors?

First, in order for students to realize the truth and become citizens of the kingdom of heaven,

Second, many Indians who have been taught by you want to know and believe in Jesus and have their souls saved.

Paul delivers today’s text to Timothy as his final teaching in his second letter.

Christianity is not a self-loving religion.

It is a self-denying religion.

It is a religion that loves God.

Believing in Jesus for your own well-being is not right faith.

If one wants to believe in Jesus in order to become rich, successful, and have a career in the future, he or she does not know God at all, and is not ready to accept faith.

Brothers and sisters, I want you to deny yourself before God, have the Son of God in you, and live a life that acknowledges Him, Jesus.

Then He will reveal who you are in you. The more you get to know him, the more your trust in him will grow.

As that trust builds up and builds up, it will become a very great faith.

It is Jesus who accomplishes it. Jesus wants to meet us.


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