India Reformed Church

The vision of India Reformed Church began with its Founder and leaders since the year 1998. There was much prayer and ministry experience before the General Assembly of India Reformed Church was formed with committed members. After this, first the training wing of Sharon Pastoral Seminary (SPS) started with Sharon Charitable Welfare Ministry (SCWM). Once SPS began to train many pastors and evangelists with theological education, many began to think of Church governance proper system. There was a theological exposition and the realization of biblical pattern of Church Government system. This made a way for many pastors to think of developing a proper system of appointment of pastors and ordination of ministers for the church ministry (Ex. 28:41, Lk. 6: 12, 13, Acts 13:1-3, 14:23, 2Tim. 2:2, Tit. 1:5).

The SPS leadership which had strong conviction of Reformed Church doctrine and principles began to implement and teach the Westminster catechism to the ministers. After teaching the doctrinal values and introducing the church government pattern with theological education, SPS began to ordain pastors. This is done with the General Assembly of India Reformed Church which consisted of committed, qualified and ordained ministers. After ordaining many pastors for ministry, the leadership of SPS and General Assembly of India Reformed church decided to have the local leadership assembly to continue this ministry. Thus, with the vision, the India Reformed Church (IRC) began with the Registered Trust under the Government of Karnataka, India in 2010. Present IRC gives leadership, Mentorship and oversees many local churches and other ministry and mission activities in South India.

Once the IRC began to function and started to teach the systematic way of Church ministry, many pastors were ordained under the leadership of IRC. It is the vision of IRC to see the local churches operate based on God’s Word. All spiritual matters are managed in a manner that will not contradict the Biblical standard set forth in the New Testament and Apostolic tradition. With this vision IRC is willing to give spiritual leadership and help the local churches and missions to follow the biblical pattern of God’s Mission. As the IRC and SPS leaders work closely to train ministers, the leadership goal is to lead the people of God to fulfill the great commission and the Mission of God according to His sovereign Will.