
Words from the Principal

Sharon Pastoral Seminary began with definite vision to educate ministers of Jesus Christ who had the call of God and started to do the Church ministry. Since there were no theologically educated ministers in the rural areas, these pastors who had the burden and passion to carry on the work of God took up the task. However, they did not have any formal theological education. SPS began to train them and would continue to thrive to educate such pastors academically irrespective of their educational background. For this, SPS has a peculiar set up to help them to carry on their ministry and theological education together. For all pastors, evangelists, and their wives who are involved in Church ministry and do not have any theological education can join to this course irrespective of their educational background and their age. This is two years program having classes three days (Monday-Wednesday) in a week and practical ministry. This course is offered in both Kannada and English with instant translation.

The Seminary took up the task to train such pastors in other states and trained more than 100s of pastors. We did not ask them to come to college but we took the college to where they are. This is how the Seminary is willing to help the rural pastors to equip themselves for Christian ministry. This may continue even in the future if necessary.

Along with educating and equipping pastors and evangelists, SPS began to train young people for Christian Ministry with advanced academic education with theological degrees. These courses are available both residential and online classes.

All those who are born again, have the call of God to do Christian ministry and service in the society, who have the deep desire to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ through their life and service, who would want to grow in the knowledge of God and fulfill the will of God can apply for these courses. These courses would certainly equip them academically, theologically and practically to develop their skills, talents and leadership qualities to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in a best possible way.

May the good Lord bless you, as you choose to equip yourself for the Lord’s ministry

– Parvathe Gowda H. S.

Principal and Dean of Academics