Sharon Pastoral Seminary

Welcomes You

Learn from the Bible

It is known fact that India is the first largest populated country in the world. Though India consists of largest population, most of the people live in rural areas. According to one of the recent census 70 percent of people live in the rural areas. Few churches exist in many rural areas and most of these churches, ministers and pastors are not much theologically educated. Sharon Pastoral Seminary (SPS) began in 2006 with the Vision to theologically educate these rural pastors and evangelists for the Church Ministry. The Seminary began with the Sharon Charitable Welfare Ministries (SCWM) which is the registered Trust.

Present SPS runs under India Reformed Church (IRC) which is the registered body in South India. Over the past 16 years SPS trained more than 200 pastors in South India who are serving the Lord with different denominations. As part of training, SPS began to educate young people for the church ministry. At present SPS is involved in training both full time pastors, evangelists and young people who are committed for Christian Ministry through Residential and online classes.

Message from the Founder's Desk

For God’s Everlasting Glory!

Somebody came to me when I was like you and asked me,
Why do you believe in Jesus though you are the poorest man?
I said ‘for His glory’ I believe in Him.

(Read More-we have made separate page)

Early Days of the Seminary

Present Days